Friday, 30 December 2016

Neuromuscular Efficiency Improved with Beetroot Extract

This is a wonder for most bodybuilders. A study finds that those who continuously take beetroot extract have a better neuromuscular function either before or after an extreme workout.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Strength and Power Sees a Boost with Citrulline Malate

Check out more about citrulline malate, the one that facilitates a better and healthy blood flow for the body. This also results to a higher brown fat activity that makes you burn fat.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Abdominal Fat Reduced with Whey Protein

Protein decreases your fat storage in your midsection. It serves as an important factor in lowering belly fat. It’s quite healthy, right?

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Muscle Protein Synthesis Improved with Oral Phosphatidic Acid

Muscle protein synthesis gives body builders a lot of benefits. An important component of phospholipids, which is Phosphatidic acid, functions as a regulator for muscle synthesis.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Chili Peppers and Capsaicin Promote Positive Metabolic Health

Capsaicin is the one responsible for making peppers taste really hot. This increases serotonin production and lowers hunger.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Is Saw Palmetto Effective?

Finasteride blocks dihydrotestosterone and is a form of treatment for male pattern baldness and UTI, as well as prostate enlargement.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Pistachio Nuts for Heart Health

Look at pistachios. Do you think that they’re just ordinary nuts? What do you really know about this food? This nut actually reduces blood cholesterol levels. Isn’t that amazing?

Friday, 23 December 2016

Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutylrate and Adenosine Triphosphate for Gains

Gains can be a tricky subject. However, a recent study from the University of Tampa in Florida, showed important gains in muscle and power when incorporating beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutylrate and adenosine triphosphate.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Wholesome Diets Based on Total Meal Composition

In your daily diet, it’s good to have a variety of foods available. A nutritionally diverse selection is much preferable because you’re getting different nutrients from each food group. Take fats and dairy as good examples.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Prevent Muscle Cramps with Capsaicin

Peppers appear to prevent cramps. Are you thinking about eating some? That would be awesome for muscle cramps. Check out the details of a study about peppers!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Too Much Fish, Red Meat, and Eggs May be Bad for You

PC is found in red meat, fish and eggs. A research from Harvard University found that an increased consumption of PC-rich foods raises your risk of death and heart attacks.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Broccoli Each Day Keeps Cancer Away

Aren’t you fond of eating your greens? Come on! Aside from the numerous benefits vegetables offer, it can even prevent cancer. Take Broccoli as an example!

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Fatty Liver Disease Best Treated With Exercise

What are the things that you can do to keep fatty liver disease at bay? It’s something serious so we need to do something about it. It’s just a matter of breaking a sweat.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Green Tea May Not be Good for Your Mouth

It appears that green tea is related to periodontal disease and some serious diseases. Find out more about its effects to your body. Are you still going to drink that cup of tea?

Friday, 16 December 2016

Unhealthy Metabolism Linked to Low IGF-1 Levels

A study finds that low IGF-1 levels contribute to an increase in obesity and low HDL cholesterol obesity. Learn about how this hormone plays a part in growth.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Grass Fed VS Grain Fed Whey

When choosing your protein power which is better for your health? Whey that comes from grain or grass fed cows?

No “Smart Pill”is Better than Exercise

Research from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine says that there is a risk of developing esophageal cancer if beverages are consumed hot.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Beetroot Juice for Better Blood Pressure

Beetroot juice has got some worth in terms of managing blood pressure. It has a moderate effect on blood pressure and useful for hypertension. It helps regulate the blood flow in your body.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Super Hot Coffee is Super Bad for Your Esophagus

Research from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine says that there is a risk of developing esophageal cancer if beverages are consumed hot.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Ketogenic Diets Not Providing Better Results

Interested in the ketogenic diet? Basically, this one substitutes fats for carbs in order to encourage weight loss. Check out factors to consider before plunging to this new diet.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Ingredient in Weight-Loss Supplement Possibly Hazardous

In everything that you do, practice caution appropriately. Do you know about usnic acid and its effect on the body? If you’re a fan of weight-loss supplements, check the ingredients thoroughly.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Lose Fat and Protect Your Heart with Cranberries, Apples, and Peppermint

Ursolic acid is a anabolic fat-fighting chemical. It helps to shed and decrease fat in muscles. What are the sources for this chemical? Do you know its essential function?

Friday, 9 December 2016

How Essential is Breakfast for Weight Goals?

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree? Or are you a skipper since who-knows-when? Learn the truth about breakfast and its effect!

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Lab Fat Cells Lose Fat with Vitamin D

A recent study from Korea depicted that lab-controlled fat cells started a fat loss process when exposed to vitamin D. Find out more about this nutrient’s benefits!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Does Drinking Extra Water Really Cause Weight Loss?

Are you curious about water’s capacity to cause weight loss? If you are, stay and read this update. This presents findings about water that may spark your interest.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Is Failure Training Actually a Failure?

Failure training may be effective for some especially in terms of increasing strength and muscle hypertrophy. There’s new evidence presented though that longer rest between sets can improve gains in muscle mass.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Blood Restriction Training Resulting in Rhabdomyolysis

There are possible dangers when it’s about training. People should exercise proper precautionary measures during the routine. Of course, you got to make sure that the workout is right for you.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

With Strength and Power, Size Does Matter

They said that size matters in predicting power. What are the reasons though? Check out why it’s important especially when it comes to gauging an individual’s strength

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Post-Weight-Training Inflammation Not Helped by Ibuprofen

Check out the findings about Ibuprofen and its effects on your workout. A recent study has found a startling discovery about this drug.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Balanced Protein Intake is Crucial to Prevent Muscle Loss

Whether it’s due to aging, an illness, or an injury, muscle loss is a serious concern for many people. If you develop this medical condition, referred to by doctors as sarcopenia, you will have a harder time completing any sort of physical activity and you will notice a big decrease in your stamina. Obviously, this is not something you want. And the worst part is, if it is hard for you to be active, your muscle loss will just continue.

Protein Synthesis and Muscle Growth Maximized with More Rest

New research from the University of Birmingham in the UK suggests that you ought to take longer rest periods in between sets. Findings show it’s better for your muscles.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Experience Post-Activation Potentiation With Ballistic Squats

Ever get the feeling of being even more pumped up after performing explosive squats? This is a phenomenon called post-activation potentiation. Find out more about this occurrence!

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Inflammation and C-Reactive Protein Reduction Through Exercise

Make CRP disappear! Be more aware of its effects on your body. This is the C-reactive protein that’s responsible for inflammation and poor metabolic health.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Is Coffee Safe?

How will you be able to tell if your java cup won’t harm you? Take a look at this tip and see for yourself if coffee’s really the right drink for your body.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Protect Yourself from Deadly Fatty Liver Disease with Exercise

How can you take good care of your liver? Modify your lifestyle to be healthier. To be exact, food and exercise are the greatest factors influencing your health.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Improved Cellular Health with Coffee

Coffee’s the best thing that ever happened to mankind. A review shows that it increases the antioxidant that is responsible for protecting your cell against DNA damage.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Blood Sugar Regulation Through Strength Training

Strength training is not only done for the purpose of looking good physically. A study backs it up: it is effective in improving blood sugar and metabolism.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

How Can Creatine Monohydrate Aid Non-Muscle Physiology?

What are the other benefits of Creatine Monohydrate aside from increasing muscle growth? A review from a university says that this component has other uses.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Muscle Loss Prevention in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy through L-Citrulline and Metformin

Welcome back, fellow fitness fanatics.

Today’s topic is about Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD. DMD is a genetic disease which results in the loss of muscle tissue and motor function over time. However, there is hope. A Swiss study recently concluded that supplementing with l-citrulline and metformin can prevent muscle degeneration and loss of motor function in DMD patients. But does this have an application in the bodybuilding world? Well, l-citrulline is an important amino acid involved in the synthesis of proteins and nitric oxide, both of which are vital for peak physical performance. Metformin, on the other hand, inhibits protein synthesis, thus negating any possible bodybuilding benefits. Therefore, the combination would not be helpful for athletes. As always, thanks for watching!

Be sure to drop by tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Energy Expenditure Heightened by Bitter Orange Plus Caffeine

Hey there, health enthusiasts!

Are you one of the many gym-goers who has hopped on to the bitter orange train lately? If so, we have some good news. A study led by Nicholas Ratamess from the College of New Jersey found proof of increased fat breakdown at rest plus a host of other benefits when supplementing with caffeine plus p-synephrine (the active chemical in bitter orange). The energy-boosting effects of these safe, thoroughly-tested supplements could increase fat loss, help prevent the perception of fatigue during training, and make workouts feel easier overall. Greater training adherence, otherwise known as your actual desire to show up at the gym, may also naturally follow as you feel more and more accomplished.

So get out there and kill it at the gym today, and be sure to check in with us tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Can You Really Boost Performance with Ketones?

Hello again, fitness fans!

Did you know that the body takes from multiple sources for fuel? For instance, the brain mainly uses glucose (sugar) for fuel, but it can also use ketones, such as acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Naturally produced through the metabolism process during low-calorie dieting, ketones not only provide fuel for the brain but can also cause euphoric sensations. The question is, would supplementing with ketones boost performance? During the Olympics, media reports speculated some cyclists were supplementing with ketones. Was it worth it? Well, according to a literature review by researchers from Maastricht University, the answer is… no, not really. The breakdown of ketones releases energy more slowly than carbohydrates, and trying to pump up your brain with these slow-moving fuels just doesn’t have an effect on physical performance.

As always, thanks for watching! Tune in tomorrow for another health tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs!

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Are Your Supplements Safe or Dangerous?

What’s up, athletes?

It’s time to talk about supplements again, and whether or not the stuff in our cupboards is actually good for us. Consumer Reports recently called out 15 common supplement ingredients which can interact with prescription drugs, cause cancer or wreak havoc on your liver, kidneys, and heart. These supplements include pure caffeine powder, chaparral, coltsfoot, comfrey, germander, greater celandine, green tea extract powder, kava, pennyroyal oil, red yeast rice, usnic acid, anconite, lobelia, and synthetic methyl-synephrine. Yes, some of these have proven benefits, but people with health problems could find themselves in serious trouble, fast. As always, check with a doctor first! Your life is way more important than whatever advantage you could get from combining herbal supplements and prescription drugs like a mad scientist.

Thanks for watching, and be sure to stop by tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Omega-3s in Fish Oil May Help Prevent Sore Muscles

Hello again, athletes.

Just about all of us have, at one point or another, experienced muscle soreness after exercise. We especially feel it after intense weight training, since our muscles endure a number of tiny tears whenever we train. Afterwards, inflammation sets in as those tears start to heal, increasing pain for a day or so in a process called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). So how does fish oil help? Well, it’s still up for debate, but the idea is that because Omega-3s are good at fighting inflammation, supplementing with fish oil can help reduce the effect of DOMS. Researchers from Texas Tech University performed a study using a small pool of untrained subjects and concluded that, based on data trends alone, there’s a chance that fish oil could be beneficial. Will you try it?

Drop in tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends here at XP Labs!

Friday, 18 November 2016

High Protein Diet Superior for Long-Term Weight Control

Hey there, fitness fans!

Once again, protein reigns supreme. How does a decrease of 10 percent in weight, 25 percent abdominal fat, 33 percent visceral fat, 10 percent blood sugar, and 40 percent insulin coupled with a 9 percent increase in lean body mass sound to you? It sounds pretty amazing to us! Those were the outstanding results of 40 overweight men and women after eating a calorie-restricted, high-protein diet during a year-long study in fat loss and weight control. The study, published in Nutrients magazine, shows that high-protein, calorie-restricted diets (especially when combined with high-intensity exercise) are far more effective than traditional low-calorie diets when it comes to losing weight and maintaining weight loss levels. Protein makes a powerhouse out of us all!

Thanks for watching! Be sure to stop by tomorrow for another tip of the day and the latest developments in sports nutrition news from your friends at XP Labs.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Discouraged Ingredients Discovered in Weight-Loss Supplements

Hey hey, fellow fitness enthusiasts.

Are you the kind of person who takes a good, long look at your supplements and checks every ingredient? Or are you the kind of person who just looks at the reviews and hopes for the best? The US Food and Drug Administration keeps a list of banned and discouraged ingredients for dietary supplements, and for good reason. This list contains many potentially dangerous substances. A study led by Sarah Eichner and Laticia Shea from Denver’s Regis University School of Pharmacy discovered 51 different weight-loss supplements containing ingredients on the FDA’s list, all just within a 10-mile radius of the university. While the FDA cannot remove a product without solid evidence of its harmful effects, it may still be worth it to double-check those ingredients.

Thanks for watching! Come by tomorrow for another tip of the day from all of us here at XP Labs.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Obesity Linked to “Beige” Fat

Welcome back, athletes!

Have you ever known someone who honestly did try their very hardest to lose weight and just couldn’t manage it without resorting to extreme measures? Scientists are getting closer to understanding the different types of fat in our bodies and how our metabolism deals with each one. Your metabolism depends on complex coupled reactions to function, extract power from food, and provide energy to your body. The different types of fat in your body are also used as energy and heat. Your brown fat, for instance, contains enzymes that are central to a process called “uncoupling” which is important for weight control. Beige fat dissipates energy as heat, regulates fat levels, and helps the body regulate temperature during colder months. The idea is that poor metabolism of beige fat may be a factor in obesity for some people.

Check back for tomorrow’s tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Probiotic Foods Aid Weight Loss

What’s up, fitness fanatics?

Today’s tip of the day is about a topic that we all like to hear more about: Losing more weight with food choices, not pills. 25 studies were combined together for a meta-analysis to conclude that probiotic-rich foods do, in fact, help people lose weight naturally. Probiotics are naturally found in yogurt, pickles, dark chocolate, and many other tasty treats. The average weight loss linked just to eating these beneficial bacteria was small, so probiotics alone won’t make you slender. However, the healthy and balanced gut composition provided by a diet rich in probiotics is linked to a variety of health benefits, ranging from fewer sick days to better breath, stronger hearts, and many other possible long-term nutritional advantages. Never a better reason to eat your yogurt!

Thanks for watching! Stop by tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Fat Burning Enhanced by Frequent High-Protein Meals

Hello again, health enthusiasts!

Have you ever wondered if there is any truth to the idea that eating several times a day is better for weight management than just a couple big meals? Has anyone ever told you that it doesn’t matter when you eat as long as you don’t exceed a particular number each day? Thanks to recent studies conducted in New York and Canada, we now have a clearer picture about what really works best for weight loss and management. Consuming high-protein meals 6 times a day can result in greater fat burning than traditional, 3-meal plans, especially when paired with high-intensity workouts and caloric restriction. Furthermore, lean body mass increases were seen in addition to fat loss, showing substantial positive changes in overall body composition.

Break out the protein shakes and check back tomorrow for another tip of the day from all of us here at XP Labs!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Maintain a Healthy Weight for the Sake of Your Penis

Welcome back, fellow fitness fanatics!

Today’s topic is a little bit sensitive, but it’s an important one. Most people are very aware by now that maintaining a healthy weight is essential for heart health. Most people probably also know that weight management is essential for preventing disorders such as type 2 diabetes or fatty liver disease. But what if it could also help protect your penis from cancer? A University of Iowa study has discovered that obesity increases the risk for penile cancer by a whopping 50%, and the risk continues to increase for every 5-point increase in BMI beyond the tipping point of obesity.

Obesity is also linked to other forms of cancer, which may be due to increases in the hormone insulin, which could promote cancer cell growth. Thanks for watching! Be sure to check back tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Mislabeled Fish in US Sushi Restaurants: That’s Not Tuna!

Hey there, health fans.

Today we’re discussing something disturbing that was recently discovered by the environmental group Oceana. DNA samples were tested from 700 restaurants in 21 states, and 33% of fish restaurants were shown to be offering mislabeled dishes. Out of those restaurants, 74% of the fish tested from sushi bars was fraudulent. Like tuna rolls? Are you sure? 94% of fish labeled as white tuna was actually escolar, which is a cheaper fish… a fish which unfortunately sometimes contains dangerous toxins. And red snapper is very tasty, but only 7 out of 120 red snapper samples were authentic. Around 90% of fish in the US comes from foreign sources and it would take some serious superpowers to correctly identify the many varieties of white fish without testing, so the problem is deep-rooted and insidious.

Thanks for watching! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another tip of the day from XP Labs!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Looking For A Snack: Why Reach For ISO-XP?

At one point in time, you have probably been told that a good way to lose weight is by snacking throughout the day. The idea is to provide your body with fuel throughout the day and in turn your metabolism speeds up. Well, there is bad news because this actually is not the case.

In fact, one study revealed that people who at two snacks daily had lower amounts of HMW, short for high molecular weight adiponectin. It didn’t matter what the snack was too. For example, a reduction of this hormone was found in people who ate dried plums and those who ate processed muffins, but the decline was faster in those who ate the processed muffins.

You’re probably wondering why you should care how much HMW adiponectin, and there are many reasons, with one being that it can help you get the body you have always dreamed of. The bottom line is if your body produces less of this hormone, which can happen if you snack, then you won’t lose as much weight as you could be losing. This is something nobody wants.

The good news is there are a few exceptions, with one being protein. You can consume snacks that are packed with protein. Those who consumed high protein snacks increase the amount of this hormone present in their body.

Protein is different in many ways, such as it keeps you feeling full and it won’t cause you to have a lot of cravings. You should have an easier time staying away from foods that contain empty calories and you will be able to shed weight and build muscle thanks to the fact that protein is both anabolic and thermogenic. Over time, your metabolism will receive a boost too, which can help you lose weight more efficiently.

However, you can’t just snack on any old protein because not all protein is created equal. What you want is powerful protein and you want to consume pure protein. Iso-Xp is a great product and it is powerful, which means you can rest assure your HMW adiponectin production will increase.

Best of all, natural ingredients is what was used to make it. If you are currently snacking on foods with empty calories, then now is the time to ditch them and go with Iso-Xp. All you have to do is order this product and take it as directed and before you know it, you’ll be losing weight in no time.

Is High-Protein Midnight Snacking A Recipe For Fat Bellies?

Welcome back, health enthusiasts!

Midnight snacks because you’re genuinely hungry. Protein shakes before bed according to the instructions on the tin. Heck, even just a tall glass of warm milk to help you sleep. Is any of it okay? For years, nutritionists have argued over whether or not eating before sleeping will make you fat or promote cardiovascular disease. However, recent studies suggest that there may be hope for those of us who have been having our nighttime protein shakes. Low calorie, high protein snacks before bedtime may indeed boost protein synthesis without altering fat or carbohydrate metabolism. It may also suppress appetite, increase energy expenditure, promote muscle hypertrophy, and decrease fat. So here’s to you, fellow gym-goers: We’re raising our protein shakes in the name of a good night’s sleep!

Thanks for watching! Stop by tomorrow for another great tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Do Athletes Need to Replace Salts Lost While Sweating?

Hey hey, athletes!

Today we’re talking about sweat. More specifically, salt. The loss and replacement of salt in our bodies seems like a tricky balancing act sometimes. Too much of it, and we get sick. Too little of it, and guess what – we get sick. Excess sodium raises your blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. But without enough salt, your body has trouble with temperature regulation, nerve signalling, electrical impulses, and cardiac output capacity. Intense exercise makes you sweat buckets, which of course causes sodium loss and can decrease overall performance. But studies show that replacing sodium lost in sweat boosts immediate performance, but may reduce the long-term fitness advantages that exercise has on our whole-body health. And so the scales tip back and forth yet again: Do you choose instant or long-term benefits?

Drop by tomorrow for another tip of the day from XP Labs!

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Eating More Nuts Reduces Inflammation and Heart Disease Risk

Hello, fellow fitness fanatics!

Did you know that inflammation is the body’s natural response to a whole host of unpleasant things, including germs, tissue damage, physical stress, and dangerous chemicals? Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can be caused by a variety of other factors. Chronic metabolic stress due to obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking are all sources of chronic inflammation that are also tied to cardiovascular disease – not to mention the possibility of a heart attack or stroke. A recent study published online for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition describes how higher nut consumption (replacing approximately three servings of meat per week) is linked to a reduction in whole-body inflammation. So cut back on the steak and stock up on the almonds… your heart will thank you for it.

Check in tomorrow to see another tip of the day from your friends here at XP Labs!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Dietary Nitrates Don’t Alter Oxygen Consumption At Moderate Altitudes

Hello again, athletes!

Today’s topic touches on something that’s likely of interest to anyone who has been supplementing with nitrates.

Colin Carriker and his colleagues at Indiana State University have discovered that, while at an altitude of 1,600 meters, increased dietary nitrate consumption (beetroot juice) did not have any impact on oxygen consumption. Now, the results of more than 20 studies did show that supplemental nitrates provided an endurance boost of approximately five percent. Additionally, other studies found that nitrate-rich foods could improve blood pressure control as well as male sexual performance.

Bottom line, dietary nitrates have a positive effect on aerobic capacity and can have other benefits for men, but they make little difference at altitude beyond the possibility of preventing acute mountain sickness. Are nitrates still for you? Drop on by tomorrow for yet another exercise tip of the day from all of us here at XP Labs!

Monday, 7 November 2016

Gout Risk Increased With Consumption of Raw Or Roasted Fish

Welcome back, health enthusiasts, for another tip of the day from XP Labs.

Today, we’re talking about something a lot of us don’t really think about very much… but we probably should, given how many people end up suffering with painful toes and inflamed joints. Gout isn’t just your grandmother’s excuse to avoid Aunt Betty’s holiday get-together, you know. Gout is caused by high uric acid levels in the blood, and aside from insanely painful toes it can also lead to kidney stones and kidney cell deterioration. Japanese researchers studied nearly 500 men for three years and found that those who consumed the highest amount of roasted or raw fish had the highest uric acid levels. Fried or boiled fish, on the other hand, didn’t seem to contribute to uric acid elevation. Fish and chips, anyone?

Thanks for watching! Come by tomorrow for another tip of the day from your friends here at XP Labs

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Benefits Of High-Intensity Interval Training Similar To Moderate-Intensity Training

Hey there, fellow health enthusiasts.

Have you ever wondered if the length and intensity of your workout really matters? Or maybe you’ve just simply felt accomplished after a high-intensity workout, but did part of you cringe at the fact that you weren’t sweating and pushing yourself all morning? Well, it’s time to stop worrying over the details. All the really important health factors linked to exercise can be achieved with high-intensity interval training (HIIT), including improvements in maximal oxygen consumption, body mass index, blood sugar regulation, and blood pressure. Tunisian researchers have found that these healthy body changes can occur quickly and safely, making it a desirable workout technique that can be effective for a wide range of people. Not only that, but HIIT takes minimal time out of your weekly schedule, so you receive similar benefits to your old, traditional routine while gaining more time to spend however you wish.

Check back tomorrow for more health tips, and from all of us at XP Labs, have an excellent workout!

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Training to Repetition Failure Shows No Greater Benefit With Heavy Loads


Hey there, fitness fanatics!

Today’s topic is one you may have disagreed with a buddy over once or twice before. That’s right, we’re talking about whether or not a heavy load matters when you’re training to repetition failure. Hopefully you were on the side that argued “size doesn’t matter” because a recent study noted in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that, when going all the way, load has no effect on hypertrophy or strength in experienced lifters. This well-controlled study compared two groups, one using heavy resistance (70-90% of max each lift) and one using light (30-50% of max) over a 12-week training period. Both groups made equally substantial gains in muscle mass and strength.

Bottom line, the goal is to get yourself to repetition failure… how much weight you use is completely up to you. Now get to it, and come back tomorrow for the next tip of the day from your friends at XP Labs!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Why Our New Zealand Whey Protein May Be The Key

Do you spend hours in the gym only to be disappointed when you look in the mirror? Do your muscles get fatigued easily, or do they end up sore after an intense workout? It turns out that the quality of your protein and the time at which you consume it may be to blame. According to a recent study reported in the American Journal of Physiology, consuming fast-absorbing amino acids while you are working out leads to bigger muscles with the same amount of effort. Seems like a pretty simple way to get the sculpted physique of your dreams, right?

Details of the Study

First off, the study took place at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. They gathered 10 young, in-shape athletes and had them complete a workout at the end of the day after they had eaten. This way, the results would not be swayed by an empty stomach and would be more realistic to how people really workout. Next, they gave them something to drink every 15 minutes throughout the exercise routine. Half of the people received a simple sugar drink, while the other half were given a drink containing the key ingredient in IsoXp. What happened next stunned everybody. The group that was given IsoXp’s unique protein composition showed an 8% lower amount of protein breakdown versus the sugar-only group, but a whopping 33% higher increase in protein production (it is important to note that only the specific type of protein used in this study will yield these results because most ordinary proteins take too long to absorb into the bloodstream). Amazing.

What This Means For You

To put it simply, it means that if you want to get the most out of your time in the gym, you need to be consuming our New Zealand whey protein drink as you workout. The key ingredient found in it is the exact same protein used in the above study. This unique protein compound absorbs into the bloodstream almost instantaneously, helping your body react to the tearing of the muscles and rebuild them in a way that cannot be beat. And the best part of it all is that IsoXp is sweetened with stevia, making it taste delicious while keeping the formula all natural.

This study conducted in the Netherlands proves that when you drink our New Zealand whey protein drink, only then will you be able to experience the full benefit of each workout you complete.

Positive Self-Talk Really Does Boost Performance



It’s another wonderful day, athletes, and that means we’re here with another round of the latest fitness news! Positivity really is the name of the game, thanks to research conducted with a subject group of 44,000 people by a group of British scientists. These studies show that you really can – and should – be your own best advocate when it comes to staying motivated. No amount of trash-talking or negativity from the peanut gallery can stand up to positive self-talk when your mind is determined to succeed. When you see yourself as a winner, you will be a winner. Positive self-talk not only boosts your motivation to train, but it can also push you to train harder, increasing the intensity and volume of your workouts. So stop listening to the haters and start listening to yourself! Thanks for watching! Drop by tomorrow for your next fitness tip from all of us here at XP Labs.


Thursday, 3 November 2016

HIIT Essential For Athletes, Beneficial For Patients

Welcome back, fitness enthusiasts!

Today we are discussing the benefits of high-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT. Did you know that healthy adults should be getting a weekly minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise, 75 minutes of intense exercise, or a combination of both? HIIT is basically exercising in repeated bursts of – you guessed it – high-intensity exercise with periods of rest in-between. Research published in the Keio Journal of Medicine online in August of 2016 shows that HIIT is excellent for building elevated fitness levels in a short amount of time. HIIT improves many things, including aerobic capacity, endurance, and your overall power output, far more efficiently than standard routines. And thanks to the fact that it’s a safe exercise method which doesn’t take up a lot of time, HIIT is very beneficial for helping patients maintain or regain quality fitness levels. Be sure to check back tomorrow for your daily exercise tip from your friends at XP Labs!

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Isometric Core Training Technique

Hello, athletes and exercise enthusiasts!

Welcome to another tip of the day from XP Labs. Core training has been getting some serious attention lately, but a series of studies directed by Stuart McGill at Canada’s University of Waterloo as well as an article by Natasha Mendrin from CSU Fullerton clearly show that isometric core exercises are far superior to traditional dynamic training. The main difference is that isometric core exercises develop core stiffness and spinal stability, which is essential for athletes who want the strongest and most capable bodies. Conversely, whole-body exercises can activate core muscles, but not as efficiently. Core stiffness training not only strengthens your core, but it also enhances endurance, transfers strength and speed to the limbs, reduces lower back pain, and improves many other areas while generally bolstering athletic performance. Be sure to come back tomorrow for more of the latest health and exercise information from your friends at XP Labs!


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Fatigue Kept At Bay During High-Power Training With Caffeine


Hey there, fitness fanatics!

Have you been on the fence about whether or not you should be using caffeine in your supplement routine, or even wondering if you should be consuming any caffeine at all?

Well, it’s time to put your questions about this ultra-common pick-me-up to rest. As published in the Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, Brazilian scientists led by Beatriz Ribeiro have discovered that 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight increased the power output of team handball players by 5.3 percent. (And in case you’re curious, team handball is an Olympic sport that’s kind of like a cross between soccer and basketball.) Even with this increased power output, the players did not suffer more muscle damage during their training. 30 to 60 minutes pre-workout is the ideal time for power athletes and bodybuilders to take caffeine. Thanks for watching! Check back tomorrow for more tips and breakthroughs in physical fitness from your friends at XP Labs!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Is Your Sports Drink Inhibiting Your Performance?

How is this possible?

It all comes down to the glycemic index of the carbs. Anything containing sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, agave, or maltodextrins, or any of the beverages claiming to have zero calories or carbohydrates, are actually high glycemic carbs.

Why does that matter?

Well, in recent clinical studies, in which 1,000 athletes participated in, it was discovered that these high glycemic carbs lead to elevated blood sugar levels and lowered oxygen consumptions. So, clearly, if your body is not getting as much oxygen as it should be, the amount of exercise you can do before getting too tired is greatly impacted.

So I can never drink these beverages?

Obviously, that is up to you. But if you want to be able to perform your best during a workout or a competition, you should avoid them for at least an hour prior. Now, if you are headed on a road trip, or want something refreshing on a hot summer’s day, drink away.

What am I supposed to drink instead?

We understand. The beverage you have been relying on all these years is suddenly off limits and you feel a little lost. But have no fear; instead, you simply need to drink low glycemic carbs. The main ingredient in our GlycoXp beverage is a proven, high-quality low glycemic carbohydrate that will not only provide you with increased endurance, but will also improve the amount of fat you burn.

When your body experiences increased oxygen intake, your body can work harder and last longer.

It’s as simple as that. Low glycemic carbs contribute to a successful workout while high glycemic carbs distract from it. It’s pretty clear which one you should be drinking. And the best part is, our GlycoXp formula is created with only the best ingredients, so you can feel great about what you are putting into your body. What’s more, it is sweetened with stevia, giving you a delicious, beneficial sports drink that you will actually enjoy.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

How Long After A Workout Does Protein Make A Difference?

So you go to the gym, get your sweat on, and then get on with your day. Several hours later, you realize that you forgot to drink your protein shake when you were done. Darn it! Now your muscles won’t be able to reap all of the benefits of your workout. Or will they?

Good news: Your muscles actually respond to protein for 24 hours after your workout.

Yes, you read that correctly. As long as you remember to consume your high-quality whey protein within 24 hours of your intense weight training session, you can still see your muscle growth improve quicker than if you completely forgot it.

How is this possible?

It does seem hard to believe, but according to the McMaster University in Canada, it is absolutely possible. They recently completed a study with 15 men around 21 years old. They had these guys consume a protein beverage containing 20 grams of the good stuff prior to a weight-training workout. Upon their return 24 hours later, their muscle-signalling molecules (that’s what actually makes your muscle tissue rebuild) were still on high alert from the protein. Pretty cool, huh?

But there’s a catch.

You actually have to do an intense workout to achieve these benefits. In the study, the subjects only worked out one leg per session in order to observe if the protein still had a positive impact when no weight training was present. And as you would have guessed, only the muscles that got worked out showed the results. Not only that, but the subjects in the study worked out as long as their muscles would possibly let them. However, it didn’t matter what the total weight was that they were lifting, so that’s good news.

So do I still need to drink it right before and after my workout?

Yes, ideally you would consume our ISO XP New Zealand whey protein (which has more than double the amount of protein used in the study, FYI) immediately before and after your workout. After all, that is the best time to get the effects of the protein. However, if you forget – or you just want an extra boost – you can also enjoy our delicious shake many, many hours later and still experience improved muscle growth. We think that’s pretty exciting, and we bet you do, too.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Is Your Sports Drink Right For You?

You know those sports drinks that are marketed to athletes? The one’s that come in bright colours and tend to end in the letters A-D-E? Well, most of these beverages can actually impair your athletic performance. What?!? Yes, it’s a shocker. These drinks that are commonly advertised by muscular, sweaty, physically fit people may be preventing you from reaching your full potential when you workout.

How is this possible?

It all comes down to the glycemic index of the carbs. Anything containing sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, agave, or maltodextrins, or any of the beverages claiming to have zero calories or carbohydrates, are actually high glycemic carbs.

Why does that matter?

Well, in recent clinical studies, in which 1,000 athletes participated in, it was discovered that these high glycemic carbs lead to elevated blood sugar levels and lowered oxygen consumptions. So, clearly, if your body is not getting as much oxygen as it should be, the amount of exercise you can do before getting too tired is greatly impacted.

So I can never drink these beverages?

Obviously, that is up to you. But if you want to be able to perform your best during a workout or a competition, you should avoid them for at least an hour prior. Now, if you are headed on a road trip, or want something refreshing on a hot summer’s day, drink away.

What am I supposed to drink instead?

We understand. The beverage you have been relying on all these years is suddenly off limits and you feel a little lost. But have no fear; instead, you simply need to drink low glycemic carbs. The main ingredient in our GlycoXp beverage is a proven, high-quality low glycemic carbohydrate that will not only provide you with increased endurance, but will also improve the amount of fat you burn.

When your body experiences increased oxygen intake, your body can work harder and last longer.

It’s as simple as that. Low glycemic carbs contribute to a successful workout while high glycemic carbs distract from it. It’s pretty clear which one you should be drinking. And the best part is, our GlycoXp formula is created with only the best ingredients, so you can feel great about what you are putting into your body. What’s more, it is sweetened with stevia, giving you a delicious, beneficial sports drink that you will actually enjoy.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

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I'm so excited to get my blog going!

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